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GFC is a highly concentrated preparation made from the patient’s own blood for treating hair loss and has enormous skin rejuvenation benefits.

Platelets hold a variety of growth factors (type of cells in our blood).


Benefits of GFC:-

  • Extraction of high concentrations of growth factors is possible.
  • No platelet wastage during the procedure.
  • It’s totally acellular and hence has no risk of inflammation or pain.
  •  Easy and simple procedure with no risk of complication.

Instructions for GFC Tube :


  1. Collection of Blood, Collect 8-9ml blood in the tube.
  2. Activation of Platelets, Mix by inverting genty 6-10 times and alow to stand upright for 15 mins. 
  3. Separation of GFC, Centrifuge tube at 3400 rpm for 10 mins. Tubes should be counter balanced before placing in centrifuges.
  4. Collection of GFC,At the point of collecting Growth Factor Concentrate(GFC) from the 4 tubes, invert the tube to alloe the GFC to collect at the cap of the tube,Insert the needle of collecting syringe into the cap. Tip of the needle should be just under the cap to allow maximum recovery of GFC. 
  5. Application, Collected GFC is ready to use.

GFC(Growth Factor Concentrate) Gel Tube Pack of 10 or 20 tubes
